Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Learning curve

I have a new found respect for single parents everywhere.
How do they get anything productive done? I've had help for the past three months so I haven't had to learn how to juggle two small children. Well, let me tell you. The learning curve sucks.
A 10 minute errand took me a half hour and by the end of it I was frazzled and hot and ready to throw in the towel on the rest of the day.
I went to the library to make a few copies. Not a big deal. Add children and it's a huge ordeal. Getting out of the car and across the parking lot is a marathon. Inside, I had Hobbit over one shoulder and needed my other hand to do the work. Hobbette? There was no stopping her. DVDs and books all at toddler level? I think I actually saw the librarian cringe.
That was the only productive thing I got done. I think I'm going to try something different tomorrow though to see if I can't accomplish more with my day. I'll strap Hobbit to my chest to free up my hands and stick Hobbette in a cheap umbrella stroller to keep her stationary. See? I'm learning how to be a mother of two. Slowly... but I'm getting there.

During my wandering on Monday I saw a sign for the Weasel's Den (we're the wild weasels here). I had remembered on my many tours and briefings that the Weasel's Den was an indoor playground. I decided to take the kids and check it out. It was amazing! I can see why it's so popular during the winter. Hobbette had a blast in the infant section but we didn't stay long. The place doesn't have air conditioning. I'm defiantly coming back though.