Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Getting out of the house

We decided to go out to eat tonight.
In Japan.
With a vague idea of how to get to the restaurant.
I was the navigator.

We got lost.

Shaun found a map on the base web site that had listings of restaurants and hair salons and other popular places to go off base. It seemed straight forward at the time...
The streets are narrow. Really narrow. I had a hard time discerning the streets from the driveways... and back alleys... and sidewalks...
And everything felt so tight. Maybe it was just me but it seemed like the houses were tall, narrow buildings stacked as close together as they could get.
And the signs! It was probably just because I couldn't read them but all the signs were so interesting. This must be what small children experience when they see brightly colored commercials on TV. I just wanted to study them.
I got easily distracted which may, or may not, have been a contributing factor when we got lost.
So, we just wandered around for a while until I spotted something that matched a location on the map. Then there was a bit more wandering. More discovering places on the map that were not our final destination. Wandering. And finally, the restaurant!
It's called the Viking and it's known to cater to Americans (its all you can eat). Each table has its own little grill. You fill up a bowl with all kinds of meat and grill it all right at your table. And eat it. We were debating whether a lot of people left there with food poisoning to no fault of the restaurant's. There was some very interesting choices of meat. Among the more interesting meats were liver, intestine, tongue and little whole fishes (complete with eyes). We tried them all. The intestines were a bit chewy but everything was very good. There was a lot of guess work involved to determine if they were done cooking so if you don't hear from me soon I may have died.

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