Sunday, September 2, 2012


Today we went shopping for groceries at a Japanese store! I'm sure everyone knew I was a tourist. I was running around with a dumb grin on my face going "Ooo! Look at this! What do you think this is?! Isn't this package of little dried shrimpies the cutest?!". Oh, yeah. I'm a goof.
I went with a list, looking for a few things that weren't at the base grocery store and found most of them but it was clear I had not properly prepared for the trip.
I have no idea why I assumed the product brands would be the same as those I could find at home... Or why I would assume they would be labeled in English... Most of the items it was clear what they were. The problem came with unidentifiable powders. Seasonings all look the same if you can't read the label. Potato starch was also difficult to identify. Lesson learned. Find the Japanese equivalent on Google Images and memorize the labels before going shopping.

We also went to the park. Hobbette had a blast. She ran around like a ninny wanting to climb everything, touch everything, slide and swing on everything all at once and couldn't decide what to do first. I think even Hobbit liked it. It was nice and breezy giving us an opportunity to cool off a little. Overall, it was a pretty cool day.

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