Sunday, September 2, 2012

Mass take 2...

Going to church is still in it's experimental phase. This time we decided to try the 12:30 Sunday afternoon mass. There were definitely fewer people there to give us dirty looks when Annabel started squirming... And the crying room was being used for it's intended purpose!
But the door was propped open because Father wasn't using his microphone... And it ran right into Hobbette's afternoon nap...
So, there's pros and cons to both mass times. I think we'll try the morning one again now that Hobbette has adjusted her nap time to only one in the afternoon...
The rest of the day was pretty mellow. Relaxation was the name of the game.

1 comment:

Wealth and Health said...

One nap, huh? Next will be potty training.

Need photos.