Monday, September 3, 2012


Things have started to calm down a little and settle into a routine. In other words... boring. I really can't imagine anyone finding my laundry filled life interesting but I did promise I'd keep my family up-to-date on the happenings.
So, for Labor Day we did nothing.
Well, I guess not nothing. Since Shaun got the day off I had him take care of the kids all day while I did laundry. Lots and lots of laundry. The need to do laundry kind of sneaked up on me. I was suddenly a sock short of a pair. A shirt short of an outfit. A diaper short of a diaper change... You get the idea. I think every stitch of fabric in my house is now clean. To keep it that way, I'm making my children run around naked! Muhahaha! The heat is only an excuse! The real reason they run around the house in only diapers is because I'm lazy!
But seriously the heat is becoming bearable. The house is comfortable (with all the fans running...) and Hobbette doesn't get pink in the face when we walk to our car anymore. I even feel comfortable swaddling Hobbit at night now. Who knows how long it will last though. It could just be this wonderful breeze we've had for the past couple of days. Without the wind I'm sure it would be just as muggy and sticky as ever.
I guess this means I'll have to start dressing the children again...

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